One hundred years from today only God’s assessment of your life will matter.

Thanx for stopping in!

Patty, My Love!

Skywalker Ranch by Philip Bloom

Keep your eyes on the prize!

My hangout

My hangout

I've got my eye on you!

New Stamp

Pepe's Great Escape!

Today, while we were foraging for a new food supply for our Love Bird, Pepe, we spied some new environmental enhancements for his cage(er, living habitat). An attachable, edible, beak sharpening branch to enhance his hunting and pecking skills and a beautiful red ring the size of a large swing with a bell hanging from it to accompany his visions of swinging in a tree in the jungle! After fighting the strong currents of traffic on the asphalt river to arrive back at camp, I proceeded to “green up” Pepe’s habitat. Well, as soon as I brought one of these strange new objects in through the door, he was having none of this! With wings of steel, he squeezed through as space so small I couldn’t see it without my glasses and off he went into the wild blue(uh, wondrous air spaces) in our house! Sooo… armed with nothing but a couple of soft towels and a non threatening, wooden back scratcher, we set out on a find and capture expedition that should have aired on “Wild Kingdom”! Through sheer strength and maneuvering on our part, we began to wear down the resolve of our adversary! At one point, I had to hit the switch for the overhead fan with the swift dexterity of a gazelle to extricate the fowl winged beast from his perch without flinging him into the wall! After many attempts to cast our nets(ugh, towels) over our ungrateful friend, I guess he just valued his newly found freedom too much, he finally managed to fly into the side of a cliff(wall) and wedged himself between it and a large bookcase! After great thought about our dilemma, we decided to pull one end away from the wall, then I proceeded into the dark recess with my trusty little belt flash light and towel. Much to my chagrin, the little beggar pushed forward behind the next book case! So with great trepidation, I place the towel next to this opening with one hand, and with the other, proceeded to simulate the tremors of a minor quake to the other case! Low and behold, I saw a small red and green streak flash into the towel and voila, I had him! So I transported him to his home and gently extracted him into his own, familiar environment with the new additions and left him to himself to get used to them. I came back a little later hoping to catch him happily swinging on his new swing only to catch him soundly sleeping away, totally oblivious to his new toys! oh well, so much for the great jungle experience!

After Hours

Zippty doo da

Just a thought from Bill Craven: Wow! What a beautiful day! Life is good, my day off, wonderful weather, home with my beautiful wife! Man, I could sing zippity doo da all day long and praise God in the midst of such wonderful times. Please pray that I can remember to praise Him at all times, even in foul weather and everything seems to go wrong! Isn't it so much easier to do so when everything is "peaches & cream"?

Freedom Of Speech

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009


August 14, 2009
The Deadliest Disease
ODB RADIO: Listen Now | Download
READ: Joshua 7:1,19-26
[Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions, . . . and by His stripes we are healed. —Isaiah 53:5

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) was identified in 2003 in Vietnam. By the time it was brought under control, SARS had spread globally and killed nearly 800 people. One reason for the high mortality rate was that the virus was not recognized initially. But once recognized and understood, SARS was contained.

An even more dangerous disease is on the loose in our world—sin. It too is difficult to bring under control because many people do not recognize its deadliness. And many dispute the Bible’s diagnosis of sin.

In Joshua 7, we read the tragic story of Achan. We may recoil at the extreme way God dealt with him. Against God’s command, he had taken some of the spoils from Jericho and hid them in his tent (v.21). He and his entire family paid with their lives (v.25).

Thankfully, God does not deal with us in that way. If He did, none of us would remain alive. Yet we must never underestimate sin’s deadliness. It sent Christ to the cross for us.

Like SARS, the first step to deal with sin is to recognize it for what it is. Receive with gratitude the gift of eternal life. Then “put to death your members which are on the earth”—the selfish things that displease God (Col. 3:5). That’s the way to deal with our deadliest disease. — C. P. Hia

The Remedy for Sin
Have you received Christ’s gift of salvation? He died for your sins and rose from the dead. He offers forgiveness to all who believe in Him (Rom. 10:9).

Sin is a heart disease that can be cured only by the Great Physician.

Friday, June 12, 2009

This puppy will never fly!

NASA backs month-long homosexual pride celebration
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 6/12/2009 6:00:00 AMBookmark and Share

space shuttle launchNASA is celebrating homosexual pride month.

After a presidential proclamation declaring June homosexual pride month, NASA is drawing some reaction for its support. Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel tells OneNewsNow NASA has obviously gone off course and they need to get back on track.

"NASA needs to focus on what it's good at and that is sending people to the moon, not celebrating sexual perversity," he believes. "NASA has clearly misfired here. It's off track. It's out of step with the American people, and I think it goes back to the president of the United States who is left of every social issue."

Matt StaverStaver does not believe people will tolerate Obama lifting up perversity. "When he simply ignores the Day of Prayer, he apologizes for America, says that America is not a Christian or a Jewish nation, and lauds Islam and apologizes to the Islamic leaders and bows down to them," he points out.

Celebrating homosexuality will be part of America's downfall if its people do not change course, Staver concludes.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Something's happening here?!"

Dems caught in 'lie' during hate crimes debate

A conservative activist closely monitoring the hate crimes" legislation pending before a House committee says although the measure still poses a threat to the religious freedom of Christians who speak out publicly against homosexuality, the foundation of the bill has been removed.

Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee had planned on holding a vote on the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act yesterday, but due to a large amount of Republican amendments to the bill, the vote was postponed until this morning. The bill would add homosexuals and transgender people to the list of protected categories under federal hate crimes law. (Listen to audio report)

Andrea Lafferty TVCAndrea Lafferty, executive director of the Traditional Values Coalition, notes that Democrats were forced to eliminate a key portion of the bill -- the findings section.

"We exposed the fact that they claimed, they have fraudulent claims that there was an epidemic of hate against homosexuals and drag queens, transgenders -- and that claim was the foundation of the bill," she notes. "They claimed that homosexuals are fleeing across state lines to avoid persecution, and that perpetrators are crossing state lines to commit crimes against these gays, lesbians, and transgenders, and that they have trouble purchasing goods and services or finding employment. We nailed them on the fact that that's a lie."

Lafferty says during yesterday's markup hearing, Democrats neglected to mention that in America -- a country of 300 million people -- there have been only 1,521 cases of hate against homosexual, bisexual, and transgender people.

The Judiciary Committee hearing resumes at 9:00 a.m. Central time today. A vote on the House floor is expected next week.

We can trust the source

Working from the right book
by marvin williams
Posted under God's Word, bible study, daily devotional, faith, trust
(one comment)


2 Timothy 3:16-17
The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple (Psalm 19:7).

• Psalm 119:151,160
• John 21:24

What are some specific steps you can take to prove that you trust what God says in His Word? How can you increase your knowledge and application of it?

My wife recently told me about one of her students who was having problems understanding a seemingly simple math assignment. She wondered if the assignment was too difficult, but she also noted that the other students weren’t experiencing the same challenge completing it. As she walked over to help the student, she immediately recognized the problem: The student was working from the wrong book.

As believers in Jesus, we believe that we are working from the right Book because of . . .

• The Author of the Bible. The author of the Bible is God. Paul said that the Scriptures were “inspired by God” (2 Timothy 3:16). This means that God was actively involved in the writing of Scripture. The Scriptures are God’s infallible words to us.

• The unity of the Bible. There are 66 books, written by 40 different authors (kings, peasants, a physician, scholars, poets, farmers, and fishermen) over a period of 1,500 years. They wrote independently, and most of them knew very little or nothing at all of the others’ writings. Yet, Luke says that their writings and prophecies (300 of them) pointed to one Person—Jesus Christ (Luke 24:27).

Statistician Peter Stoner has calculated that the probability of five major prophecies coming to pass by chance would be 1 in 2 quintillion: That’s 1 in 2,000,000,000,000,000,000! Yet Jesus says that He is the fulfillment of all those prophecies (Matthew 5:18).

• The preservation of the Bible. We have more accurate and older copies of manuscripts of the Scriptures (the oldest is about 4,000 years old) than any other ancient historical or literary source.

God has given us the right Book. It’s an authoritative answer to the otherwise unanswerable questions of life. We can trust what the Bible says (Psalm 33:4).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Only in America?!"

Virginia pro-lifers labeled 'potential terrorists'
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 4/17/2009 4:30:00 AM

A Virginia pro-life group reports it has been listed as an "extremist" organization in a state report.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security issued a report last week that created quite a storm, claiming certain groups of people are at risk for being or becoming "extremists" as members of "right-wing" organizations. That report identified no specific groups. But Dennis Green of Life & Liberty Ministries received a call from a friend who found his group's name listed on a state report.

"Our ministry was named as being a potential domestic terrorist in a report," says Green. "It was the '2009 Virginia Terrorist [Threat] Assessment' report put out by the Fusion Center -- and it was for the Virginia State Police."

Green is concerned that his ministry was placed in unfamiliar territory in the report. "[We were named] along with al-Qaida and the anarchists and people who are involved with bio-terrorism," he explains. "They list our evangelistic outreach as 'potential terrorists.'"

And that, says Green, is a total oddity because his ministry has never been involved in violence or any attempt to overthrow the government. "I guess from what I'm hearing on the radio, it's anybody who's a Bible-believing Christian....[It] seems like they're falling into that camp nowadays," he laments.

Green plans to appeal the classification of his ministry to Virginia officials.

Wake Up America, do you feel our freedoms slipping away?! Do you think this will stop with Christians only?! Remember what happened in Germany and Europe!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Fairness?" or "Censorship?"

Christian radio - target of 'Fairness Doctrine'?
Chad Groening - OneNewsNow - 2/16/2009 7:45:00 AMBookmark and Share

radio microphones bigAn official with the National Religious Broadcasters says if liberals are successful in bringing back the so-called "Fairness Doctrine," conservative commentators like Rush Limbaugh won't be the primary target of censorship.

Recently former President Bill Clinton joined the list of Democrats who are openly calling for the reinstatement of the so-called Fairness Doctrine or some kind of forced accountability. Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan) have both spoken favorably about the controversial policy in recent media reports.

While high-profile conservative commentators like Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have often been mentioned as "targets" of a reinstated "fairness" policy, Craig Parshall -- senior vice president and general counsel of the National Religious Broadcasters -- believes Christian radio is going to be the major target.

Craig Parshall"I think when it gets down to the rubber meeting the road, it's not going to be Rush Limbaugh who's going to be the primary target. He's the poster boy for the issue," he contends. "It's going to be Christian broadcasters who are not afraid sexual orientation issues from a bibliocentric view, who aren't afraid to challenge the status quo on issues like abortion; or Christian broadcasters who aren't afraid to be able to compare the truth of the gospel with the false world religions around there. And all of this is very, very politically incorrect speech."

The bottom line, according to Parshall, is that Christian broadcasters are the ones who are going to have the target on their backs when all is said and done on the reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

What about equal representation for "all" taxpayers?!

Washington, DC – The highly controversial "stimulus" package is a monolithic spending bill containing language designed to stimulate the narrow interests of extreme left-wing activist organizations. The latest political payback tucked away in the estimated 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill will prove stimulating to religious censors and anti-faith groups like the ACLU.
Both the House and Senate versions contain anti-faith language that will censor religion and force people of faith from the public square. The bill states that stimulus funds may not be used for "modernization, renovation, or repair of [certain educational] facilities – (i) used for sectarian instruction, religious worship, or a school or department of divinity; or (ii) in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission."
Several members of Congress, including Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), have attacked the 1.1 trillion dollar spending bill for its anti-faith censorship. DeMint stated that the bill would "empower the ACLU with ambiguous laws that create liability for schools, universities, and student organizations."
President Obama supports the package, but he could still request that Sen. Reid and Speaker Pelosi stop this blatant attack on people of faith. The House version of the bill (H.R. 1) passed on January 28 with only a 56-vote margin -- 244 to188. Eleven Democrats and every Republican voted against it. The Senate version (S. 336) is expected to come up for a vote within a few days.
Mathew D. Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, commented: "The so-called stimulus bill will lead to the banning of all religious activity from public facilities by forbidding the use of funds to improve places where religious instruction or worship occurs. In order to receive stimulus money our government will have to expel Bible clubs and weekend religious meetings. People who want to speak about their faith will be unwelcome in public places. Apparently, President Obama’s idea of faith-based initiatives is to remove faith from all initiatives." ###
Liberty Counsel · Post Office Box 540774, Orlando, FL 32854 · (800) 671-1776 · ©Copyright 1995-2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

We're Not In Kansas Anymore, Toto!

War on Christian values has begun
Dr. David R. Reagan - Guest Columnist - 2/3/2009 10:10:00 AMBookmark and Share

Dr. David Reagan (Lamb & Lion Ministries)The Obama administration has wasted no time in declaring war on evangelical Christians. Within minutes after the new president took his oath of office, his staff posted his agendas concerning homosexuality and abortion on the White House website.

Sexual perversion
With regard to sexual perversion, the president's policy goals are spelled out as follows:

1) Defeat all state and federal constitutional efforts to defend the definition of biblical marriage as being a union between one man and one woman.

2) Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) signed by Bill Clinton. (This is currently the only line of defense keeping all 50 states from being forced to recognize so-called "same-sex marriages" from extremely liberal states like Massachusetts and Connecticut.)

3) Repeal the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

4) Pass "hate crimes" legislation granting homosexuals and cross-dressers special rights denied to other Americans. (This legislation, depending on how it is drafted, could even attempt to muzzle any criticism of homosexuality as being unbiblical and unnatural perversion.)

5) Pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which would force business owners (religious and otherwise) to abandon traditional values relative to sexual morality under penalty of law.

6) Create intentionally motherless and fatherless homes by expanding "gay adoption."

To see for yourself this portion of Obama's agenda, click here and scroll down the page to "Support for the LGBT Community." (LGBT is an acronym for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered.")

With regard to abortion, the president's agenda is:

1) Opposition to any constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's abortion decision in Roe v. Wade.

2) Support of the Prevention First Act which would provide access to contraception and "preventive services to help reduce unintended pregnancies" (a euphemism for abortion).

To see for yourself this portion of Obama's agenda, click here.

Although it is not mentioned on the White House website, President Obama has made it clear that he will support the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA). In fact, he promised Planned Parenthood that signing the FOCA would be "the first thing I'd do as President." FOCA is by far the most radical piece of abortion legislation ever introduced into the Congress.

According to pro-choice advocates, FOCA would:

1) Overturn the ban on the barbaric procedure called "partial-birth abortion."

2) Invalidate scores of pro-life laws passed by dozens of states.

3) Eliminate existing laws against taxpayer-funded abortions.

iTunes Podcast

Dr. David R. Reagan is founder of and senior evangelist for Lamb & Lion Ministries in McKinney, Texas, and host of the nationally broadcast television program "Christ in Prophecy." This column is printed with permission.

Opinions expressed in 'Perspectives' columns published by are the sole responsibility of the article's author(s), or of the person(s) or organization(s) quoted therein, and do not necessarily represent those of the staff or management of, or advertisers who support the American Family News Network,, our parent organization or its other affiliates.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

It may come to our country also!

Nigeria favors traditional marriage, loses funding
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/1/2009 4:00:00 AMBookmark and Share

A division of the European Union that deals with "gay" rights has demanded that all foreign aid to Nigeria be suspended after the government voted not to recognize homosexual "marriage."

NigeriaThe Nigerian vote to protect traditional marriage was unanimous. Matt Barber of Liberty Counsel says it is unfortunate the European Union adopted its stance.

"The European Union has certainly been infiltrated by homo-fascists. There's just no doubt about it," he contends. "They are using that body to essentially try to push the international homosexual agenda down the throats of countries that respect traditional values relative to sexual morality."

Barber believes Nigeria and any other country ought to be free to express its own culture without outside interference.

"We have the Defense of Marriage Act on the books [in the United States]; why aren't they coming after the U.S.? Well, because what bullies do is they pick on someone that is weaker than they are," he notes. "So the European Union is trying to make an example out of Nigeria because they are in a position of influence and power, yet they will not pick the same fight with the United States because they know it would be to no avail."

It is against the religious beliefs of Christians and Muslims in Nigeria to commit homosexual acts.